Прокопенко Л. - Освітній потенціал е-форм підвищення кваліфікації бібліотекарів (із досвіду ІФЛА) (2023)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2023, Issue 68)Ukrainian English

Prokopenko Liliia

Educational potential of e-forms for librarians advanced training (IFLA CASES)

Abstract: RAINING (IFLA CASES)The purpose of the article is to consider the main characteristics of webinarsas the most popular e-form of professional development and advanced training of librarians, to define their educational potential, to analyze the features of IFLA webinars, to substantiate their effectiveness and importance for the professional development of librarians in Ukraine. The methodological basis of the study are principles of objectivity, complexity, continuity and comprehensiveness. From the standpoint of scientific methodology, the problem is examined on the basis of a systematic approach. The achievement of the purpose of the study was carried out with a system of general scientific and library science methods: theoretical (analysis, synthesis, etc.),empirical (description), analytical, comparative, terminological and others. Scientific novelty is in the study of the didactic possibilities of webinars for librarians as a formof advanced training; identifying the features of IFLA webinars, determining their effectiveness and prospects for using them to improve the skills of librarians in Ukraine. Conclusions. The article considers the essence of webinars as the most popular e-formfor librarians advanced training, describes their advantages and disadvantages. It hasbeen proven that a webinar as an educational tool of advanced training for librarians clearly demonstrates the benefits of learning based on the use of e-content ande-collaboration of participants in the educational process, which is a distinctive feature of education in the modern world, expanding the access of various categories of participants to quality education and advanced training due to application of information and communication and innovative educational technologies. The information about the organization of professional webinars for librarians by various IFLA structural units issummarized. The value and importance of studying and developing the experience of organizing and holding such webinars to improve the Ukrainian practice of advancedt raining of librarians and the level of lecturers and teachers was emphasized.

Keywords: librarians advanced training, library education, IFLA, international library cooperation, distance learning, lifelong learning, non-formal education of librarians, webinars.

Author(s) citation:

Prokopenko Liliia (2023). Educational potential of e-forms for librarians advanced training (IFLA CASES). Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (68) 236-249. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.68.236


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