Шемаєва Г. - Нові бібліотечні ролі в системі наукових комунікацій у контексті відкритої науки, Прилуцька А. (2023)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2023, Issue 68)Ukrainian English

Shemaieva Hanna, Prilutska Alla

New library roles in the system of scientific communications in the context of open science

Abstract: The purpose of the article is to highlight new roles in the activities of foreign libraries in support of scientific communication in the conditions of the development of open science, which go beyond traditional ones. Methodology. In order to achieve the stated goal, a search and analysis of foreign publications on the research topic has been conducted, including content analysis, systematization, and generalization. The scientific novelty lies in justifying the support of scientific communication as a central library service, which shifts from providing access to actively collaborating with researchers throughout the research process. Conclusions. In international experience, libraries actively participate in fulfilling new roles in the system of scientific communications. In collaboration with information specialists, they establish open research infrastructures and contribute to the expansion of open access opportunities among library users; play an important role in the planning, creation, exchange, and archiving of fair and open research data; initiate RDM practices, big data analytics, and the formation of open science culture; participate in citizen science projects. In proactive libraries, the creation of specialized departments oriented towards supporting the research process is taking place; services for research data management; distributed data storage centers. The profession of a librarian in scientific communication is diversified into several roles: policy developer, data librarian, data curator, instructor/trainer, data scientist/analytics, consultant, and communication manager. The new library roles require coordinated development between library practice and professional education. The task of updating educational programs arises, taking into account the new library rolesin the context of open science.

Keywords: library, scientific communication, open science, open access, research data management, library professionals' skills, information and library education, international experience.

Author(s) citation:

Shemaieva Hanna (2023). New library roles in the system of scientific communications in the context of open science. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (68) 301-315. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.68.301


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