Самохіна Ж. - Маркетингові комунікації в бібліотечно-інформаційній діяльності (2015)

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Samokhina Zhanna

Marketing communications in library and information activity

Abstract: The tools of marketing communications in library activity include a wide range of information services: advertising, public relations, exhibition of new acquisitions, remote access to electronic information services, virtual reference, delivery books on MBA etc. Promotional activities is an integral component and the main instrument of almost any theoretical model of marketing as it is through the exposure a tactical sales promotion is made, including in the information market. In recent years the new forms of advertising impact on the reader appear. For example, the so-called advertising "word of mouth". In the process of readers communication the information on services is transmitted. The preference is given to reviews of other users of library information, under the scheme reader-reader. Such marketing form is called buzz-marketing. The ability to conduct online marketing campaign successfully is to create a library corporate blog (blog network. The blog marketing in the information marketing is gaining popularity, today we can talk about its real work on popularization library resources and services among Internet users. Weblogs create a significant competition the mass media because they are carry a lot of useful information which users trust first of all. It is obvious that a library in the terms of marketing communication should pay great attention to the work of website. Library’s website acts as a communications link between readers and library. The forums and chats where the readers can share their thoughts and wishes are created on the websites of some libraries. It enables not only to provide a valuable information to marketers but actually to increase the popularity of library. Thus the promotion and development of library services in the current conditions is based on the use of marketing e-communications called to stimulate the interest of readers to the libraries as the centers of public knowledge and information.

Keywords: marketing communications channels; marketing information; reader’s demand; online voting; blog marketing; online advertising; online marketing.

Author(s) citation:

Samokhina Zhanna (2015). Marketing communications in library and information activity. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (42) 103-114. (In Ukrainan). - http://np.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/npnbuimviv_2015_42_10


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