Шемаєва Г. - Управління якістю бібліотечно-інформаційних електронних ресурсів як умова розвитку національного інформаційного простору (2015)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2015, Issue 42)Ukrainian English

Shemaieva Hanna

Quality Management of Library and Information electronic resources as a condition for the development of national information space

Abstract: In quality management of library and information electronic resources an important place is occupied by methods, means and types of management activities.In foreign experience the variety of methods for quality evaluation of library services and products are divided into two groups: technological and economic ones, which, in turn, use the complex of indices and criteria. Quality management of electronic resources includes such indices as quality indices of consumer characteristics, indices of creation of quality, indices of operational quality of production. The major criteria for measuring quality of electronic resources are: evaluation of the quality of the information content (matching information needs, relevance, authenticity, clearness, logic); functionality (navigation, search capabilities, the ability to work in local and network modes, the availability of the system of assistance to the user); design ergonomics (optimality and contrast ratio of image, simplicity and "friendly" interface, the ability to adapt to user needs); evaluation of software platform (reliability, comfort, accessibility, the possibility of feedback). Informative evaluation of the resource is of significant importance aimed at disclosing the content of the material, the degree of the development of the theme (relevance, novelty, originality) as well as evaluation of factographic, ideographic, pragmatic content, which requires appropriate knowledge of the theory of value of information. Quality management of library and information electronic resources is a complicated system that combines the complex of tools for quality evaluation of organization and implementation of library production and services (management of quality of organization of processes implementation, quality management of technological and information processes, performance management of information and communication processes) according to the needs of the society, advanced training of library staff.

Keywords: library and information digital resources, quality management, methods for quality measurement, indicators and criteria for quality measurement.

Author(s) citation:

Shemaieva Hanna (2015). Quality Management of Library and Information electronic resources as a condition for the development of national information space. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (42) 339-348. (In Ukrainan). - http://np.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/npnbuimviv_2015_42_30