Федорчук А. - Моніторинг матеріалів закордонних ресурсів мережі Інтернет про інститут президентства у світі (2019)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2019, Issue 52)Ukrainian English

Fedorchuk Arthur

Monitoring of Materials of the Foreign Internet Resources About the Institution of the Presidency in the World

Abstract: In the modern world, the institution of the presidency is quite common. Presidents are the heads of state in almost 150 countries of the world. Nowadays there are few studies about the institution of the presidency and its development. Even less research is conducted based on analysis of information flows of the Internet. The article presents the results of research of the general principles and technology of monitoring of the institute of presidency and the presidents of the world in the foreign information resources of the Internet. It was given The technology and methodology of work with database "The institute of presidency in foreign media" created for preservation and processing of the results of monitoring of foreign informational resources content concerning the activities and image of the Institute of Presidency in the world is briefly described. The paper presents summary of test monitoring of the Institute of Presidency based on the Internet resources of the first quarter of 2019. Monitoring has proved the usefulness of such studies for understanding the role of the presidency institution in the world. It was concluded that analysts with the help of monitoring have the opportunity to qualitatively and quantitatively identify and assess the world trends in the functioning of the presidential institution and the features of coverage of the presidential institution in foreign media. Statistical tables, graphs, summary materials, structured on the subject or other requirements of the analyst, as well as the possibility of prompt access to primary sources or full texts of publications on the network can help analysts. The materials of such database can serve as the basis for conducting various studies, both operational and global.

Keywords: database, Internet monitoring service, media, the institution of the presidency, presidential office, information resources of the Internet.

Author(s) citation:

Fedorchuk Arthur (2019). Monitoring of Materials of the Foreign Internet Resources About the Institution of the Presidency in the World. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (52) 271-283. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.52.271


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