Горова С. - Електронні ресурси бібліотек у зміцненні самосвідомості користувачів у стресові періоди життя (2022)

  ARCHIVE (All issues) /     Content (2022, Issue 63)Ukrainian English

Svitlana Horova

Libraries Electronic Resources and Strengthening Users’ Self-awareness in Life Stressful Periods

Abstract: The information processes of recent decades, associated with the mass computerization of all public life spheres, the development of electronic information technology, have a growing impact on modern human being, one’s socio-psychological sphere and socio-cultural environment. Global informatization, including the way it displaysitself in the activation of library sphere, providing access for a wider audience to access available information resources, ensures mass information creation in the field of electronic resources, development of interpersonal communication, promotes its growing self-expression in the information sphere incomparable to any previously known periodsin its existence. However, with the increase in the amount of information – also increases the number of user’s phobias, closest to the sensory sphere and produced by the immediate environment through information processes. At the same time, the rational perception of the surrounding reality requires a thoughtful approach, someknowledge, critical understanding of the facts and often this process lags behind the sphere of emotional response. Electronic information resources can primarily produce stress in their volume, but still ineffectively use the wide range of opportunities to reduce it, to form social optimism. Such optimism in the use of electronic information resources could be formed due to communication in social networks, with relatives and friends, via setting new social contacts, which become the basis for positive psychological guidelines. New electronic information technologies create opportunities for the revival of mental resources of self-awareness and their use in information overcoming stressful phenomena. At the same time, it should be emphasized that the intensification of information circulation in society and the need to organize it for social purposes, as well as in the fight against intentional negative information influences in information wars, cause new public demands for transformation of libraries as storage and organization of theuse of information resources in the new institutional quality of stress management. Library resources could be used for a kind of information therapy in one’s difficult life situations.

Keywords: information, stress, social networks, manipulative technologies, libraries.

Author(s) citation:

Svitlana Horova (2022). Libraries Electronic Resources and Strengthening Users’ Self-awareness in Life Stressful Periods. Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, (63) 75-87. (In Ukrainan). doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.63.075


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