Санакуєв М. - Проблема цінності інформації і місце експертних знань у системі стратегічних комунікацій Одеського регіону (2022)

  АРХІВ (Всі випуски) /     Зміст випуска (2022, Вип. 64)Ukrainian English

Санакуєв М.

Проблема цінності інформації і місце експертних знань у системі стратегічних комунікацій Одеського регіону

Рубрика: Розділ IV. Інформаційно-документальна складова системистратегічних комунікацій

Анотація: The article examines the problem of value of information through the prism of modern communicative transformations that take place in Ukraine and the world. The purpose of the study was to reveal the role of the concept of the value of information and expertise. The subject of the study was the system of strategic communications of the Odesa region and the urgent need to underst and the main issues related to the value aspects of information. Sociological methods of analysis of mass media and electronic sources, documents were used in the preparation of the article. Taking into accountnational peculiarities, the comparative method was used to study existing concepts and variations of social activity, to track new trends in social communications. As a result, various scientific approaches to the problem of expertise and the value of information helped to identify signs of axiological crisis and its impact on the further development of society. The article demonstrates the results of the introduction of electronic technologies in the system of strategic communications of Odesa region. Basedon public documents presented on the official website of the regional state administration, the achievements of the planned transformations were summarized. The focus of libraries on a new forms of work and comfort, and accessibility for the community have become a condition for leveling the typical problems that arise in these processes.The reduction in the number of libraries is only 1,5 %. The operation of media centersin UTC allows to provide a modern style of public events at the highest level. The strategic action plan of the regional state administration for 2017–2019 Smart Region been implemented almost in full.The author presents a prognostic analysis of the domestic reorganization of librariesand media centers. The reorganization of libraries and media centers is taking place against the backdrop of the pandemic waves and in the context of implementation of new legislation. Research on this issue can also be used to design government strategies and methodological materials for analysts and could be used for sociological and other cross-sectoral research of strategic communication.

Ключові слова: value of information, analytical activities, the Odesa region, strategic communication, expertise, libraries, media centers.

Цитованість авторів публікації:

Бібліографічний опис для цитування:
Санакуєв М. Проблема цінності інформації і місце експертних знань у системі стратегічних комунікацій Одеського регіону / М. Санакуєв // Наукові праці Національної бібліотеки України імені В. І. Вернадського. - 2022. - Вип. 64. - С. 419-437. doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.64.419