Пальчук В. - Особливості протидії негативним інформаційним впливам (2022)

  АРХІВ (Всі випуски) /     Зміст випуска (2022, Вип. 64)Ukrainian English

Пальчук В.

Особливості протидії негативним інформаційним впливам

Рубрика: Розділ IV. Інформаційно-документальна складова системистратегічних комунікацій

Анотація: The article highlights the scientific and applied issue of finding modern viable solutionsto counteract the negative information influences on the development of all spheres of public relations, people’s lives, doing business or promoting public policy, national interests in strategic communications. In European studies, the negative consequences of information impact are considered in the context of generalizing different approaches, methods, forms of dissemination of content specially prepared for information pollution of strategic communications. The research question is related to the generalization of modern approaches to countering negative informational influences and spread of informational pollution, the determination of the peculiarities of the organizational and technological process of implementing tasks in the field of information security, development and protection of strategic communications. Scientific attention to the study of the aspect of information pollution through network technologies allows to generalize the features of the useof different channels of dissemination of false information in order to implement the tasks of negative information impact on public opinion or human behavior. The very definition of the term information pollution is revealed through the distinction of its components, suchas false information, misinformation, inaccurate information. Study of the aspect of information pollution through network technologies allows to generalize features of using various channels for distribution of false information and preventnegative in formation influence on public opinion or people behavior. In this regard, various approaches and forms of distribution of specially prepared content for information pollution of strategic communications, introduction of misinformation, various kinds of false information in the globaland national information spaces, are generalized. Practiced methods of counteracting thenegative consequences of information impact are highlighted.

Ключові слова: information pollution, information influences, SIAZ NBUV, misinformation, false information, manipulation, unreliable information.

Цитованість авторів публікації:

Бібліографічний опис для цитування:
Пальчук В. Особливості протидії негативним інформаційним впливам / В. Пальчук // Наукові праці Національної бібліотеки України імені В. І. Вернадського. - 2022. - Вип. 64. - С. 469-483. doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/np.64.469