ISSN 2224-9516 (Print)
ISSN 2224-9524 (Online)
АРХІВ (Всі випуски) / Зміст випуска (2022, Вип. 64)
Натаров О. Популяризація науки як важливий чинник протидії інфодемії COVID-19: роль наукових бібліотекРубрика: Розділ III. Сучасні тенденції розвитку наукової функції бібліотек Анотація: The paper addresses the role of libraries in popularizing scientific knowledge in the context of countering disinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic. It is emphasized that in the context of the entry of modern society into the informational stage of its development, an exceptional role in the popularization of science is played by scientific libraries, which before everyone else experienced the new forms and means of collecting, processing, presenting and disseminating knowledge as they primarily concerned the sphere of the activity of libraries. Emphasis is placed on the exceptional role of the scientific library as one of the main participants in the system of scientific communication. Being one of the main participants in the system of scientific communication, scientific libraries of Ukraine play a significant role in the formation of the infrastructure foundations of science and ensuring its relations with society. After all, among the various types of libraries of our state, it is scientific libraries, in particular libraries of research institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, whose main task is to promptly and fully provide scientists with world scientific information on the topics of their research based on traditional and modern network technologies, that occupy a leading placein the process of ensuring access to scientific knowledge. In accordance with the currentneeds of Ukrainian science, scientific libraries are changing priorities in approachesto the choice of information sources, improving technologies for accumulating sociallysignificant information, trying to provide users with access to online resources of the world’s leading suppliers of scientific information as widely as possible, harmoniously combining traditional and electronic documents, becoming navigators and intermediaries in a modern communication system. It is noted that as leading subjects of the information market, scientific libraries are modernizing and improving the information and analytical direction of their activitiesin order to effectively meet growing information requests, especially in the field of Public Administration. The article highlights the activities of research divisions of V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine on informing users about scientific research of COVID-19 virus, measures to prevent disease and to treat it, to overcome the pandemic consequences, etc. Ключові слова: infodemic, COVID-19, science disinformation, popularization of science, scientific libraries. Цитованість авторів публікації:
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