ISSN 2224-9516 (Print)
ISSN 2224-9524 (Online)
АРХІВ (Всі випуски) / Зміст випуска (2022, Вип. 64)
Шлапак Ю. Бібліотеки як комунікативні центри: соціально-правове інформуванняРубрика: Розділ IV. Інформаційно-документальна складова системистратегічних комунікацій Анотація: Libraries – especially in the last decade – are changing their activities, becoming communication centers in the community. Libraries today are not just book collections, they are becoming information and resource platforms with a mandatory bookand newspaper, and magazine fund.The library offers access to information resources belonging to other subjects of the information space, including those presented on the Internet; creates electronic information resources (databases, collections of digitized documents, websites and webportals) located behind its physical walls. The modern library is becoming a hub that concentrates and distributes information flows. Many libraries have demonstrated a powerful innovative potential, in particular, they have become centers for business and legal information, culture centers, organizational platforms for local communities. Building the rule of law and civil society largely depends on the level of organization of legal awareness in the field of human rights and freedoms, forms and methods of their protection. Libraries play a significant role in the implementation of legal education. Library is the precondition for education and self-education. One of the main library functions is to promote information and education, the refore, legal educationis given a significant place. The work of library institutions creates conditions for improving citizens’ legal knowledge, and hence helps to shape their behavior to meetthe criteria of morality and legality. Centers for free legal aid are starting to cooperate more actively with libraries; free legal aid centers are being set up directly on the basis of libraries. Building effective and productive cooperation is the key to promoting legal culture and providing free legalaid in the implementation of constitutional rights and freedoms a mong various groupsof the territorial community. Ключові слова: libraries, communication centers, information center, information service, current information, legal aid centers. Цитованість авторів публікації:
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