Наукові праці Національної бібліотеки України імені В. І. Вернадського | НБУВ Національна бібліотека України імені В. І. Вернадського

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Issue 44

Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine
. - 2016. - Issue 44
  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Klymenko Oksana Types of cooperation ukrainian libraries in the information society. - P. 7-19.
  4. Demianiuk Liudmyla Modern features of information and communication activities development of scientific libraries (Based on foreign professional publications). - P. 20-33.
  5. Kropоcheva Nataliia Socio communication aspects of branch libraries: an attempt discourse. - P. 34-43.
  6. Turovska Lesia, Smolar Inessa Organization of the electronic book exhibitions in the context of the informatiive and communicative activity of scientific library. - P. 44-53.
  7. Savytska Liliia Use of social Internet networks for dissemination of informational library sources. - P. 54-61.
  8. Volkovynska Veronika The scientific institution in the field of social media (On the example of the Presidents of Ukraine Fund Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine pages in social networks). - P. 62-76.
  9. Khemchian Iryna, Sokolovska Natalia Presenting the educational libraries Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine in social networks. - P. 77-94.
  10. Ihnatiuk Maryna Problems and prospects of library-information service of agricultural sector Ukraine under local government reform (On the example of Zhytomyr region). - P. 95-104.
  11. Skorokhvatova Alla, Isaienko Olexandr Local history electronic multyresource "History of the towns and villages of Ukraine". - P. 105-113.
  12. Pestretsova Larysa, Shulha Iryna Forming of informative stream of exchange fund of vnlu and its represented in bibliography. - P. 114-125.
  13. Yakovenko Olena, Konoval Liudmyla Traditional and innovative aspects of the organization of the work with dissatisfied users’ request s in the Research Library. - P. 126-140.
  14. Kempe Veronika Modern scientific library and copyright: how not to violate the law. - P. 141-150.
  15. Litvinova Larysa Оfficial writing Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine as the object of intellectual property. - P. 151-161.
  16. Bachynska Nadiia Library and information education: terminological approach. - P. 162-170.
  17. Zahorodnіa Liubov Continuous library education as important factor of development of library profession: History and present. - P. 171-190.
  18. Kryvonosova Olena Corporate culture in the context of modern libraries perspective development. - P. 191-199.
  19. Sheremet Mykyta Modern directions of information and communicative activity development of libraries in the People’s Republic of China. - P. 200-214.
  20. Holovakha Serhii Coworking in libraries as an experiment under conditions of the crisis.. - P. 215-222.
  21. Zabolotna Nataliia Convolutes of the Pochaiv Cyrillic old-printed books with the publications of other printing houses in the light of book culture in Ukraine in 18th ct.: the formation and functioning (On the example of the copies from the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine collection). - P. 225-238.
  22. Rudakova Yuliia, Tsiborovska-Rymarovych Iryna Latin printing-type editions of the XVIth – the 1st half of the XIXth centuries none ixed in the "Bibliografia polska" by K. Estreicher. - P. 239-263.
  23. Nedashkivska Oleksandra Thematic structure of Elzevier collection of old-printed and rare books department of Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine. - P. 264-273.
  24. Bondar Nataliia The distinctive features of paper of Krakow edition of Polish Herbal 1595 by Marcin Urzędów copies. - P. 274-285.
  25. Sak Olha Research investigation at the rare fund Oles Honchar Kherson Regional Universal Scientific Library. - P. 286-303.
  26. Shatrova Maryna The handwritten book in researches of Ukrainian bibliologists of end of ХХ – beginning of ХХІ century. - P. 304-315.
  27. Kurkhanova Olena Baroque poetry from the pages of ukrainian old-printed editions as an object of scientific bibliographic control. - P. 316-328.
  28. Tsibirovska-Rymarovich Iryna The original sources about the formation of the fund of the Berdychiv barefooted Carmelites’ Library. - P. 329-343.
  29. Tsybulska Olena The collection of rare records from funds of Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine: specific methods of attribution and the bibliographic description. - P. 344-355.
  30. Zalizniuk Olena, Bilymenko Liudmyla, Shvets Iryna The newspapers of Ukrainian prіsoners in camps of Germany and Austro-Hungary 1915–1918: forming history, maintenance, thematic saturation (After of materials of newspapers saved in the Department of newspapers assets Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine). - P. 356-368.
  31. Zakharov Dmytro Newspaper "Dіlo" 1900-1901 yy. as a source of study of the language problem in western Ukraine at the beginning of the twentieth century. - P. 369-377.
  32. Pavlenko Valentina, Mashovets Olena, Mikolushko Vsevolod The new entrances of the newspapers into the found of Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine. - P. 378-386.
  33. Miaskova Tetiana Library activities of Ivan Luchytskyi and historical destiny of his personal library. - P. 387-400.
  34. Dzyra Olesia The source base of the researching of the Ukrainian Diaspora history in Canada in 1918–1939. - P. 401-418.
  35. Zhbanova Kateryna The organized recruitment and relocation of workers in the Ukrainian SSR in the second half of the 1940s – 1980s in Ukrainian historiography of Soviet period. - P. 419-433.
  36. Perenesiienko Ihor The current state of research of issues of the functioning of library classifications. - P. 437-447.
  37. Lobuzina Kateryna, Halytska Svitlana, Oreshyna Nataliia Improving heading of Scientific Library as the linguistic basis of information retrieval and communication system. - P. 448-459.
  38. Chaban Iryna Problems of ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of automated library information system databases. - P. 460-471.
  39. Koval Tetiana, Shevchenko Irina Formation and use databases "Vernadsky National Library readers" on the platform IRBIS ALIS. - P. 472-481.
  40. Demyda Yevheniia E-catalogue «Periodicals» Database of V. O. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific and Pedagogical Library of Ukraine: Experience of Formation and Prospects of Development. - P. 482-495.
  41. Dobko Tetiana Bibliographic index in the system of information and reference service: history and present time. - P. 499-513.
  42. Lykhanova Iryna Bibliographic Index "Book in Ukraine in 1861–1917": materials for the repertoire of Ukrainian book (Аspect of sources study). - P. 514-528.
  43. Novosielova Larysa, Dziubych Svitlana Metabibliography of T. H. Shevchenko (the end of XIX – beginning of XXI centuries): development and present state. - P. 529-543.
  44. Dudnik Oleksandr, Kolesnichenko Alina Bibliographic sources on the history of South and the East of Ukraine. - P. 544-561.
  45. Smyrnova Svitlana Bibiographie indexes Zabolotny State Scientific Library of Architecture and Construction of Ukraine. - P. 562-572.
  46. Kozak Serhii Bibliographic indexes of periodicals of Ukrainian Diaspora. - P. 573-580.
  47. Tovkach Ihor, Piddubnyi Volodymyr The unified interactive website for creation of the professional network – effective solution for informatization of archive branch. - P. 583-592.
  48. Boiko Halyna, Boiko Іhor, Tovkach Ihor Integration processes in the archival branch: building a professional network with the official websites of the institutions. - P. 593-603.
  49. Verbitska Oksana Sources for the study of the history of Shevchenko studies in the NAS of Ukraine in 1956–1965 (According to the archive resources. - P. 604-619.
  50. Indychenko Hanna The scientific potential of the Archive of Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine in the historical reconstruction of international scientific cooperation NAS of Ukraine (1956–1960). - P. 620-635.
  51. Korchemna Iryna Developing methodics of acquisition and registration of personal archival fonds in the Institute of manuscripts in 1940–1980. - P. 636-646.
  52. Pavlenko Liudmyla Оrganizing of ukraine national minorities archive in the context of natminstudies in the 20th of the XXth century. - P. 647-657.
  53. Starovoit Svitlana Personal archival fond of the NAS of Ukraine academician A. O. Lebediev in the Institute of Archival Studies of Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine. - P. 658-667.
  54. Shapoval Аndrii Epistolary heritage in the collections of the Institute of Archival Science of the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine. - P. 668-683.
  55. Bielaia Olha, Tovkach Ihor Document management on-line (From experience of introduction in the branch of archives). - P. 684-693.
  56. Вимоги до оформлення статей наукових фахових видань. - P. 701-702.