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Issue 64

Academic Papers of The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine
. - 2022. - Issue 64
  1. Титул.
  2. Зміст.
  3. Peculiarities of using Electronic Resources of National Libraries under Military Confrontation (removed by editorial)
  4. Ivanova Natalia, Pestretsova Olga Legal Aspects of Cultural Heritage Preservation in the Conditions of War. - P. 28-42.
  5. Aulin Oleksandr Specificity of Library and Information Activity during the Military Conflict. - P. 43-54.
  6. Potikha Andrii Activities of Ukrainian Libraries in the Conditions of Russian Military Aggression. - P. 55-73.
  7. Horova Svitlana Manipulative Technologies in Today’s Conditions and Problems of their Neutralization. - P. 74-82.
  8. Khylko Maksym, Khylko Olena Indicators of the Integrity of the Socio-Cultural Space of Ukraine. - P. 83-95.
  9. Fedorchuk Arthur The Attitude of Poles to the Russian Invasion of Ukraine: a Content Analysis of the Polish Publication Rzeczpospolita. - P. 96-106.
  10. Aksjonova Natalia Bibliotherapy as a Direction of Library Activity under the Russian-Ukrainian War. - P. 107-119.
  11. Zhelai Oxana Activities of Analytical and Research Structures of the World’s Leading Libraries in Times of Crisis: SIAS, CPR, RLRB and others. - P. 120-139.
  12. Kashevarova Nataliya Documentary Complexes of Rosenberg’s Office (1934–1945): Use of General Scientific Principles and Research Methods. - P. 143-158.
  13. Boriak Tetiana Interactively Mapped Holodomor Oral History: Geoinformation Systems Serve History. - P. 159-173.
  14. Bezzub Yurii, Klymenko Ninel Interweaving of Destinies: Pages of the Relationship between Lesya Ukrainka, Nadiya Kybalchych and Borys Grinchenko (Based on Lesya Ukrainka’s Letters). - P. 174-195.
  15. Lyubovets Nadiia The First World War 1914–1918 in a Memoir Representation. - P. 196-211.
  16. Maksymchuk Olha Exampla from Michael Radau’s Rhetoric in the Works of Antoni Radyvylovskyi. - P. 212-226.
  17. Vakulchuk Olha The Role of the Newspaper Generator in the Propaganda of Soviet Industrialization (1927–1932). - P. 227-238.
  18. Zaіets Olena Library of Metropolitan Varlaam Yasynskyi: Characteristics of Composition and Content. - P. 239-254.
  19. Klymenko Oksana, Sokur Olena Scientific Conference is an Productive Tool for Scientific Communication. - P. 257-274.
  20. Ivanova Maiia, Bilinets Nataliia Ratification of the Marrakesh Treaty and New Opportunities for Libraries in Providing the Constitutional Rights of Persons with Visual Impairment. - P. 275-288.
  21. Kulytskyi Sergii The Study of the COVID-19 Pandemic as a Social Multi-Structural Communication. - P. 289-306.
  22. Natarov Оleg Popularization of Science as an Important Factor against COVID–19 Infodemia: the Role of Scientific Libraries. - P. 307-326.
  23. Symonenko Tetiana Industrial Distribution of Ukrainian Science and its Projection on the International Arena. - P. 327-341.
  24. Bezzub Iryna The Modern Library as a Center for the Formation of Ecological Culture in Ukraine. - P. 342-362.
  25. Cherniavska Lina Library Institutions as an Effective Participant in the Integration of a Gender Approach into Community Life. - P. 363-380.
  26. Spirina Svitlana Modern Forms and Methods of Presentation of Digital Collections by Foreign Libraries. - P. 381-391.
  27. Demianenko Mykhailo Political Communication: Essential Characteristics and Problems of Information Security. - P. 395-408.
  28. Hrebeniuk Alla Communication System of Documentary Support of the Legal Sphere and State Unifi ed Documentation System: Features of the Relationship. - P. 409-418.
  29. Sanakuiev Mykola The Problem of the Value of Information and Expertise in the System of Strategic Communications of the Odesa Region. - P. 419-437.
  30. Symonenko Olena Introduction of Experience in the Implementation of Strategic Communications in Policy for the Library Sphere. - P. 438-451.
  31. Shlapak Yuliia Libraries as Communication Centers: Social and Legal Information. - P. 452-468.
  32. Palchuk Valentyna Features of Counteraction to Negative Information Influences. - P. 469-483.
  33. Udovуk Volodymyr Documentary Resources of the Institute of the Presidency in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Forms of Preservation and Provision of Access. - P. 484-502.
  34. Maistrenko Angela Archival Heritage of George Gdalevich Gnesin (to the 90 th anniversary of the Scientist). - P. 503-513.
  35. Azhogina Natalia Historical and Cultural Aspect of Relations between Ukraine and the Baltics: Language and Literary Communications in the light of Baltistics. - P. 514-532.